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Parts for Vu-Con®


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Vu-Con® System, with wave speed transducers and thickness transducers Velocity Transducer Depth Transducer
Velocity Transducer
Price $5,929.00
Depth Transducer
Price $2,223.00
A Unique system for measuring the thickness, determining quality, and locating areas of honeycombing, voids and delaminations in concrete. Complete System - Includes Instrumentation Unit, Velocity And Depth Transducers, Impactor Set, Charger And PC Software For Data Uploads.  Conforms to ASTM C-1383 and other International Standards
Charger Impactor Set Vu-Con® Instruction Manual 2010.Pdf
Price $251.00
Impactor Set
Price $448.00
Vu-Con® Instruction Manual 2018 PDF
Printed Version: $25.00
Downloadable PDF file: FREE!
This is the complete and most current version of the Instruction Manual for Vu-Con®.
VU-CON System Battery Charger Replacement Carrying Case Large VuConlinx
The VuConlinx® Software has been designed to help the engineer manage and interpret the huge amount of data available when utilizing the Vu-Con® System.